Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Dinner and instructions

Yesterday Dee had invited me to dinner and then the task was to give her the necessary instructions tobe my  crew the second June week. The packing list I had updated over Easter was a good tool. We had a glance on the sea chart and paged through the harbor book for the area as well as my last years sailing adventure book.

It was a good preparation meeting making my countdown more and more real. 

Friday, April 25, 2014

Sea rescue membership-Sjöräddnings Sällskapet

Tonight I finnally applied and payed to become a member of the Swedish sea rescue called "Sjöräddnings Sällskapet".
The boat "Drottning Silvia" saved me and Martin last year with captain Micke Wulff on my birthday, I still have his buisiness card.
Now as a next step, I am looking into buying a really good automatic life west with life line. Spinlock is one of the top brands and very comfortable to wear.

And how many of you have already seen this one about the German Coast Guard?

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Can not believe this coincidence

In one of my last mails to Hans the boat owner I finally wanted to know the name of the boat. Also finding out how big the beds are to take along correct size of sheets was a request.
Here part of his answer in Swedish:
Hej Sofia,

Strålande väder i påsk! Båten sjösätts i övermorgon.

Kryssarklubben är en trevlig klubb och deras bojar är bra. Jag är inte medlem, men nyttja gärna ditt medlemsskap. Båten heter S/Y Sofia II. Passande namn, eller hur:)


-Förpik är madrassbredden 200 cm

-Akterkojerna är båda 1,45 cm

Tre underlakan räcker till alla sängarna. Längden är normal sänglängd 2 m.


What are the odds that the boats name is?
S/Y Sofia II

That just leaves me citing a Swedish book title:
"Slumpen är ingen tillfällighet! "

Posted via Blogaway

Monday, April 21, 2014

Getting organized

Today and yesterday I have spent completing the packing list both in German and today translated into English. You will find the folder containing both versions on the top right on my blog as a link to a Google Drive folder. 
I am very happy I manged this!

Now I will try to highlight the most important knots used on a sailboat you will find them all here animated, but I will additionally make a knots list on the side of the blog to have accessible always.

If you practice the 5 knots below, which I also will teach you on the boat, you are good to go.

Bowline knot (Palstek)

Cleat Hitch (Dock Line)

Clove half hitches

Clove hitch tied with rope ends (used for fenders)

Round turn and two half hitches

Thursday, April 17, 2014

First sailing preparation meeting yesterday

More and more things are falling into place. Yesterday I had invited my sailing companions here around Mannheim to be briefed about their participation and what to pack and wear during sailing. My sailing charts from Sweden just arrived in time to share too. 

Martin's dad could not make it yestarday and 2 others were missing which is not so surprising since the long Easter weekend starts tomorrow. 
I was left to cook for my guests, which I am not used to anymore, since Martin is so good at it and always spoils me. But my slighly frantic cooking payed out and the Quiche got in the oven on time and actually was tasty.

Even if Martins first words coming through the door were "that is not enougth!" A few pieces were left after everybody who wanted had had their second serving.
I forgot to capture us sitting and eating and dicussing over the sea charts, so just picture us having a great eveing anticipating our upcoming holiday together on the sailboat. 
I am really excited! My next such meeting is planned in Solothurn for the10th May.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Booked course to learn about boat motors

So cool my swedish sailing club I became a member of last year "Svenska Kryssarklubben" offers a boat motor course for women just the weekend before I start my sailing in Stockholm. I just booked the course and am so excited to learn all that stuff just before I start my 13 weeks on the water.

Had some problems paying with a Swiss Visa in a Swedish environment, but got that fixed and now I am on my way!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Sailing license

Finally I received my new old license after my handbag got stolen in January. One more step of preparation taken care of!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Kick scooter

Purchasened one more thing that should come handy in ports when the restroom or other anamities are further away: kick scooter miro!
Can be folded to a small package to be carried or stowed away in on the boat. Will start testing it tomorrow on my way to work and across campus, hopefully saves me a few minutes. 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Ordered 3 overview Seacharts

Yesterday I wanted to order my overview seacharts at Nautiska Magasinet and after I had gone through choosing I got stuck. They only accepted PayPal for payment since I wanted them to send it to Germany. Today I opened a PayPal account first and then looked for the seacharts again and hope now that I was succesful. 
Since I invited so many to come to my sailing preparation "Törnvorbereitung" meeting on the 16th April just before Easter, I would like to have the charts by then to show what I plan.
So exited things are coming together...