Thursday, July 28, 2011

Seagull pictures from Sunday

So here are the pictures I took seeing Seagull again after a couple of years. They are only from the outside, because climbing up into the boat was so complicated that I left the camera in the scooter. 
I sailed her about 4 years ago on the Lake Neuchatel on a sunny summer day.

I have been thinking about this boat now the last days and even if the size is great for handling and Dänu would offer it to me basically for free, I have my doubts if this is the right boat.

It would need some work to be in a condition I would like to spend many months on, additionally it does not have power, nor a fridge or a big water tank. Certainly no GPS or other cool navigation gear, since that all needs power…

I have surfed a bit for used sailboats in Sweden and actually found sailboats about the same size but with a lot more amenities installed even if the boats were about the same age. I think I have to tell Dänu this is not the way to go. Shucks!

I was kind of looking forward working on the boat and planning everything together with him. Let’s see how I can involve him anyway, he has such a big knowledge on things that I would like to learn from.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Visited Seagull-Sunbeam 22-S today

Today I met my dear friend Dänu who owns a red Sunbeam 22-S named Seagull, a 6,70m small sailboat built 1973 and restored by him a couple of years ago. We thought this could be the boat that I take to Sweden to sail with.
So today I checked it out with Dänu, the boat on the trailer behind a barn. The bottom of the boat which was restored and the inside still look great but the cockpit and stuff was extremely dirty from standing there for over 2 years. We agreed to clean it off one of the following weekends to have a better assessment of what needs to be done and if this boat is really the answer to fulfill both of our sailing dreams in Sweden.
We discussed if the boat needs to be relocated soon, since the barn with property it stands next to has switched owner and a there could be a letter of notice soon.
What are the options: driving the boat up to south of Sweden this autumn or await the notice and have the boat closer to get it fixed up here in Switzerland before transporting to Sweden? Is this even the correct boat? How does a transport work? How much work does the boat still need? Is it worth the effort?
Questions and more questions arising, we decided to clean the boat and then decide on the next steps. I will post some pictures of the boat soon, tonight it is too late.
But here a link:
Good night!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

First planning in Stockholm weekend July 9/10. 2011

First research on seacharts and books in Stockholm. Bought an overview seachart of the whole area between Stockholm and St. Petersburg :-)