Last night in Mannheim I slept over at our dear neighbors at Richard-Wagner-Str. Anne and Matthias, who have become friends and even we're my work collegues. After arriving with the Europecar van back from moving all Martins stuff to his parents and his friend Steve, t
hey spoiled me last night. Anne cooked a great evening meal and this morning we had a wonderful breakfast with strawberries, orange juice and melon. I had to return the van before 7.30h so I picked up croissants on my way back from Europecar.Matthias and Anne even had another farewell present to me and Martin so sweet, really expressing how they cherish our friendship and how Martins red Vespa lead to Matthias getting his black one.
It was strange sleeping in another flat than the one that was our home for almost 2 years and now is empty.
At 8h I turned over my keys and the flat to Sysmovement that have rented it for me on Roches behalf over the last years.
Now both my and Martins Mannheim era is ending his after 6 years and mine after 2. We both will miss all the good times we had here, but are excited to see what is up next. We defiantly will return to enjoy friendships as well as the great food of the region again.