After Bjarne, Lorena and Rainer had left I got to work, first doing all my wash then contacting my new crew to find out if soccer was important, it is, then I went to 3 boat shops trying to find the spare securing bolt for the anchor that Lorena had dropped into the water. I rented a bicycle to be more mobile for getting to the shops as well as picking up my crew. That was wise, because I ended up at 3 boat shops trying to find the spare. In the end back at the boat it was not usable, because to short, so I have go back on Monday. But apart from the spare I also bought a mat "Trasmatta " to place next to the anchor box as a welcome mat. Looks very homely and practical it is keeping stones and sand away.
Time was getting close for my new crews arrival, so I rode across town and found a nice terrace restaurant at the ASS harbour watching the approaching ferries coming in. After another "Räksmörgås " I headed over to the terminal and while waiting got blasted with Brasilien rhythms and drums. It seems there was a special promotional event going on with people invited for the world cup soccer final. Quite well orchestrated!
Almost last finally Thanya, Margret and Daniel came! They had already gotten acquainted on the ferry and had found each other without knowing each other before easily. They took a taxi across town and I the bike and we met up at the harbour.
Here we all got situated and then checked the food supplies to find out that Lorena and Rainer had left at least enough for feeding us a few days. Thanks to the leftovers we enjoyed a great dinner cooked by my crew while I translated the Wiki from the "Whiskey on the Rocks " incident a Russian U-boat that stranded in the archipelagos October 1981in Swedish territory. Bjarne had told us about that incident. Kind of a Swedish Cuba crisis, very interesting!
After dinner we practiced knots and my crew was so motivated that we even finished with adornment rolls for the lines.
A great first day and today we stay one more night here in Mariehamn to watch the soccer game which is great, because afternoon predictions are thunder and rain over night.
Whisky on the Rocks, Russian U-boat
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