Thursday, June 19, 2014

Wednesday: Lilla Trässö or Nävekvarn?

Big boat
Martin and Catherine
Calm morning
Tuesday: threading in flag lines
My fan
Boat and harbour
Good sailing
Neighbors natural harbour
So many swans

Before 7 thism morning I woke up and saw a perfectly blue sky and nature all peaceful, water all calm. I quietly put on a pot to make coffee to enjoy the view presented exactly how I had imagined the archipelagos in my dreams. When clouds started to appear on the horizon I woke the rest so they wouldn't miss out. We ended up having breakfast in a beautiful setting!
Because of the limited reception on the island I only for sure knew the weather predicted for today, so we planned for two overnight stay options. One was spending the last night before we needed to arrive at Camilla's in a natural harbour Lilla Trässö close to Oxelösund or continue on all the way to Nävekvarn.
After checking the weather for Thursday which is supposed to be rainy with thunder early in the day, we charged on. Also the possibility to watch soccer swayed the decision a bit.
At 17h we were safe in a box at Nävekvarn after almost 7h sailing. Well the wind steadily increased during the day from a slow start to gusts that made the wires whistle and had the boat duck away, that is when I turned the motor on for the last hour or so.
Sailing wise the best day so far with good wind and mostly sunny, with all our tacks my log recorded 33 nautical miles! With all jibing and tacking both Aden and Martin have become an efficient pair doing the maneuvers.
Catherine and I walked up to the harbour office to pay and after a quick introduction it turns out I have a fan in front of me. She knew my mom had been injured as well as my boyfriends name "Martin". How come you may ask? Well about 8 weeks ago I had emailed to ask for a harbour reservation over Midsummer and after a nice reply sent them my blog info. Learned their motto is: First comes first served!
Due to the warm and friendly welcome we could both use the boat club TV as well as their sauna. So it pays to have fans! Very exciting!
We packed up all our beers and snacks and invaded the TV room for the game Australia versus Holland. Even I enjoyed it!

Camilla called so last preparations are on their way for Midsummer. Weather forecast has changed the all day raining to Thursday rather than Friday which is good. We do a lay day today with cleaning and washing clothes.

Update my mom: She is back home in her flat in Helsingborg now and will receive help because her ability with a broken elbow is still limited. Every time I call or SMS she only wants to know what I am up to,  that is a good sign of her recovering!

Posted via Blogaway

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